Thursday, October 11, 2012

801 Mathematics Unit 3 Everyday Math

TE 801 Unit Planning Project
“Visual Patterns, Number Patterns, and Counting”

Section 1: Big Ideas and Standards

Big Ideas:  Guided teaching unit will focus on:

·      Understanding numeric, place value and telling time patterns while creating concrete patterns

Common Core State Standards (CCSS):

·      CCSS.1.MD.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clock

·      CCSS.1NBT.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases

·      CCSS.1.MD.4 Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another

The mathematics standards above are connected to the big idea because students will learn how to use patterns to understand telling time, counting and place value.

Standards for Mathematical Practice:

Model with Mathematics
Analyze relationships mathematically to draw conclusions. Students routinely interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.

Section 2A: Pre-Assessment

1st Grade Classroom
Math Unit 3 Pre Assessment


Fecha: _________________________________

1.    Dibuja el próximo patrón de figuras. Draw the next shape pattern.


 2.  Cuenta de 2s en 2s hasta el 12. Count up by 2s.

2, 4, ____, _____, _____, _____,

   3. Cuenta las monedas. Count the coins.
Macintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:Lincoln_Penny_Obverse.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:Lincoln_Penny_Obverse.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:Lincoln_Penny_Obverse.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:Lincoln_Penny_Obverse.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:220px-1945-P-Jefferson-War-Nickel-Reverse.JPGMacintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:220px-1945-P-Jefferson-War-Nickel-Reverse.JPG

   4. Que Hora es? What time is it?
Macintosh HD:Users:elenarosas:Desktop:images-1.jpg

Antes (before)
Numero (number)
Después (After)



5. Completa la tabla. Complete the table.

Pre-Assessment: Results
·      This Friday Oct 12, 2012 I will be assessing my students, currently I have 28 students normally everyone no one is absent. Based on what I have observed during math lessons my students know how to count by 2s until 24 and by 5s until 50. They know how a quarter and penny looks like, they know what a square, triangle trapezoid, circle, hexagon looks like, they have an understanding of how to use a number line, number grid and they understand simple pattern concepts.

·      Based on what I know from my students mathematically for my unit I plan to include activities that require some form of manipulative to maintain my students interested and to help those visual learners. For most of my lessons I plan to have 15 minutes mathematics learning centers. I will place my students into 4 different groups in order for me to target those students that will need more support.

Section 2B: Formative and Summative Assessments

Formative Assessment:
·      Thumbs up/down: If you agree or understand.
·      Choose three or four different formative assessment strategies to use repeatedly throughout your unit.
·      Design a system (tied into the Standards and Big Ideas for your unit) for keeping track of individual student growth based on your on-going use of formative assessment.

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